"He who goes out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them."
Psalm 126:6
So today we took my sister Layne and brother-in-law Jon to the airport to see them off to Africa. They are going to give their lives to the people of Africa and to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Can I just say first, I really don't like goodbyes. And I know it's not goodbye but more like see you later....but still....goodbyes, especially to ones that you hold so close and love dearly just is plain hard. It brings out the 'ugly' cry. The one that you really shouldn't try to hold in because it will just sound even worse...
But even with it being hard there is still joy...and we still praise Jesus because He has found Layne and Jon worthy to go and give their all to those who need Him. That is JOY...
This morning I woke up trying to just keep it together...but the moment I turned on the TV there on the screen were all these sweet African babies and kids. It was a show about those who hunger and need food and how we need to help. And right there pops up on the screen Angola and Mozambique. Right where Layne and Jon are going....And as a sat and watched those poor sweet babies and kids who were eating dirt by the handfuls because they were so hungry, made me stop and say Oh Lord thank you so much for Layne and Jon. I am so proud that they are giving up their comfortable lives here and giving up family to go and love those people. To show them they are so loved by Jesus and to bring peace and healing. I love that God brought that straight to me right before going to see them off so that I would know how important it is that they go. I admire them...I pray maybe one day we will be there serving together. Until then I will pray daily for them and I will take joy in knowing that they are right where the Lord has called them.
And thank you Lord for technology! We will talk via web cam and we will never miss a beat in each other's lives! We will see them and we will show them all of the new dance moves Gauge and Teagan learn ;) and I can't wait to see those sweet African faces and tell them how precious they are to Jesus and to us.
We had such a sweet time with them the past 2 1/2 weeks and I will treasure those memories forever. I praise Him for giving us that time as a family and I know there will be more....
So Layne and Jon, we love you deeply...We are so proud to be your family....and we cannot wait to see all that the Lord does in your lives because you went out with weeping but oh the JOY that will come with the work He does in and through you...
And He will say "Well done my good and faithful servants..."
Oh Tara! That made me weep in my seat! Thank you for sharing that! I will pray for Layne and Jon as they go out and do the great work of our Lord! You all are very precious to my heart!
those are such great pictures Tara! I'm glad you got a few days of fun with Layne before they had to leave!
So here I am in a public coffee shop in Gabs, feeling pretty good about pulling it together... and I read this! Haha. Teary eyes, squirming in the seat.
I love you Tara! I am so thankful for such a supportive loving family.
Tara, I am misty eyed reading this. I love your family so much and I'm so glad (and thankful for technology too) that I can keep up with you this way. I understand and appreciate the special task of letting go of loved ones to the field. It's a secret pain that is less "glamorous" than going but very real. He sees it. He understands.
I always love reading about your family, and I love your kids. I'm so excited that in less than a year we're coming for home assignment. I love to think about my kiddos playing with your precious ones (and Leah's Genevieve, and Lisa's Victor etc etc.) Gauge seems so similar to Rain in so many ways. Hope they're friends.
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