Monday, March 5, 2012

Let's Try This Again....

What the hey. Let's try this blogging thing out again shall we? Sometimes I really think it would be nice to write about life. Then life happens and somehow I'm really busy. Crazy to think I get busy with two preschoolers...
So yeah. Preschoolers. Not cool. Where did time go??? I'm already filling out Gauge's application for kindergarten. KINDER PEOPLE! KINDER!! He is like turning 5 next month!! At one moment I'm sad because they are growing up and on the other hand it's nice. I like that we can do a lot more things. (Disneyworld planning is currently happening!) I like that they are both almost completely potty trained! (Teagan is only in pull ups at night!) And that they say and do the funniest, sweetest and craziest things. But hey sometimes I wish for the days of no sibiling fighting and yelling and sassy mouths. And the days where you laid them somewhere and they couldn't move from that spot. Oh heavens that was awesome! That may rank as one of my favorite stages...
I saw the funniest saying on Pinterest the other day. (Pinterest! A whole other post in and of itself! Pinterest, I heart you. You have opened up a whole new world of recipes, decorating, crafts and style!) Anyhoo. The saying said...
The only place you can experience heaven and hell at the same time."
Whoever wrote that was DEAD ON people. DEAD ON. And it's on a daily basis! Oh but thank the Lord. (I'm so glad He is in control and not me!) He gives grace and mercy. Two of the sweetest things ever and boy do I need them daily.
So here is to a new venture of trying to blog again. I know family likes it and hey I love blogs! I love reading people's and keeping up with their lives. Let the good times roll....


Layne Heller said...

This lady is happy

Will & Abby's Life said...

I love going back and reading my blogs from when Hailey was a baby. I'm with you, going to try to be better about blogging :)