Friday, November 21, 2008



I made a Chocolate Pumpkin Cake for my dad's birthday dinner and woooweee that thing is addicting! It's got some fabulous cream cheese/whip cream fluffy icing and man oh man we love it.

Chris just informed me that work got them Taylor Center Deli for lunch (man work is hard stuff! hehe) and he even got a slice of Coconut Cream Cake. Let's just say I got a piece about a week ago and YUM! It is chilled and moist and oh so heavenly. He called and told me about his lunch and then at the end said, Oh I saved half of the cake to bring home to you and I saved the good part, the icing just for you. What a sweetheart. So much for Weight Watchers tonight ;)


Will & Abby's Life said...

Yum! That looks tasty :)

Jade said...

where did you get the recipe for that cake?? it looks awesome! I want to try it!