And miss Teagan is getting in on the eating action now too. She definatly likes to eat but would rather me skip the whole rice ceral thing and just give her the good stuff. Here she looks like she likes carrots but don't let that decieve you. She doesn't! She keeps her lips tight and shut when I try re-feeding her them :)
So she is on her knees and...
Off! She crawled a knee! hehe... She just wants you to know she isn't a baby anymore. She's a big girl and by golly she is gonna chase after her brother soon!
What happened to my baby!! Both of my babies! They are growing like weeds before my eyes! Gauge is trying to talk more and more and well Teagan she thinks she is 6 years old already. She is trying to crawl and for the most part is and doesn't want to sit around. No maam she wants to stand and join in the fun! We had her 6 month check up and that booger is 18 lbs and growing strong! Everything looks great but sadly both have inherited their mama's allergies so we are going to start on Zyrtec. I pray it helps!
I haven't been able to kick this sinus infection now for about a month and a half. I have had a round of steriods, an antibiotic and then came down with it again in less than a month and I am on another round of antibiotics. I'm getting drained! This time around though I am having major headaches, toothaches and ear andcheek aches only on the left side of my face. (Obviously where the infection is) but good golly miss molly if I'm not better Monday I'm going back and saying, dude! I have two small kids and I can't hack this anymore!! Steph came by and gave me a steriod shot and we are praying that works. (By the way she is an excellent nurse and I'm so proud of who she is!!) So!! Here's to the weekend and my sinus' going away gosh dern it! :)
Other than that I am just having an adventure feeding two munchkins breakfast lunch and dinner in two highchairs! Fun times I tell you! They are such good kids though and I have been blessed to infinity and beyond!!! (note that is from Toy Story hehe no I don't watch it at all ;) It's bad when I called our neighbor Buddy, 'Woody' twice!)
Chris did some amazing yard work and I will get a picture of that and I want to write about our awesome women's retreat...I will be back soon. Both kiddos are up and at 'em!